Dr. Sohial Farzam is an Australian registered Acupuncturist and he has been practicing for 19 years. He was also a long-term lecturer for 14 years.
After experiencing major hurdles in his practice due to mindset blocks around fear and money, a relationship breakdown and lack of business and marketing knowledge, Sohial was ready to give it all up in exchange for a reliable retail career.
Fortunately, after realising his inspired mission was practicing acupuncture, he took a deep dive in learning about himself and leadership in business.
Life Mastery…
Powerful words that I learnt to live by building myself up again in practice.
In a very short time, and countless hours and dollars spent on learning from leadership and marketing experts, Sohial tripled his client numbers within 5 months, became inspired in the business arena, and decided to help other struggling yet highly talented and gifted practitioners.
Sohial developed himself as a leading practitioner on psychological and mental health conditions and currently teaches seminars all around Australia, New Zealand, Europe and soon to be teaching in the United States and India.
He has a special interest in human psychology, human behaviour, neuroscience, quantum physics and philosophy. He integrates all these study angles to fully understand the dynamics and blocks practitioners often experience.
Sohial's key asset is to quickly realise underlying emotional patterns that inhibit growth, help practitioner's find their inner core message and then elevate marketing campaigns for peak performance in practice.
Here are the main lessons Sohial has learnt:
You can wait for change to come to you – OR you can create change from within you
You have everything you need to be inspired from within
You have every trait that you seek from others around you…within you
A great mentor holds up a mirror and invites you to explore your greatness
And now, I want to help you explore…
Your greatness
Your true potential
Your Breakthrough
Your transformation
Your practice mastery.
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