Heiko Lade hosts Sohial Farzam

for his 2 Day Face-to-Face Seminar

The Clinical Use of the

8 Extraordinary Vessels in

Mental Health Conditions

This seminar is an integration of Chinese medicine concepts especially based on the teachings of Jeffrey Yuen integrated with human behaviour, neuroscience and quantum physics

20th/21st of July 2024

Hohepa Canterbury 23 Barrington St., Beckenham, Christchurch

See while Sohial discusses the Ren and Du Mai vessels and there influence on helping you break free from

juvenile dependency, need and desperation whilst expressing healthy separation, growth and exploration

Ren Mai on Juvenile Dependency

Du Mai on Precocious Independency

Here are the full details:

When: Saturday & Sunday, 20th/21st of July 2024

Where: Hohepa Canterbury 23 Barrington St., Beckenham, Christchurch

Times: 9am to 5pm

There will be morning and afternoon breaks and 45mins lunch each day (please note catering is not included)

14 CPD Points

approved by AcNZ for 14 hours of education

Q & A webinar on the 8 Extraordinary vessels 1 month from completion (date to be confirmed)

PLEASE NOTE: Terms of attendance will be subject to current government and venue requirements.


"I really appreciate the time, effort, inspiration to bring this workshop to life. The 8X material you've presented has been direct, useful, understandable and most importantly...relevant.

I also very much appreciated you're willingness to tolerate questions (mostly from me) and to enlighten Non-TCM methods to aid (TCM) diagnosis and insight. Thanks again for a super-fantastic 3 days. "

- Matt S. Chinese Medicine Practitioner (Melbourne)

The 8 Extraordinary Channels.. 2 days exploring the power, the beauty and the miraculous gift of using the

8 Extraordinary Channels to Transcend Extraordinary Trauma

We will explore these foundations... 

History & Evolution

It all starts here. Where do we come from, what's the purpose, what is destiny, what's faith, why these channels, where do we go and what should we take with us?

Universal Oneness & Intelligence

"The person who wants to have right without wrong, order without disorder, does not understand the principles of heaven and earth" - Chuang Tzu.

Conception & Utero Development

Conception is the course of pre-natal energies based on reversal of the generating cycle. If there is conception, it is because you are chosen. If it is to remain, it is because the soul has accepted its destiny.

Emotions & The Psyche

Emotions are lopsided perceptions of an already balanced world. Our psyche remains in balance but our perceptions distort our reality and the channels express our reality

from actuality.

Channels That Tell Our Life Story

Each of the 8 extra channels brings meaning, context, and experience

to help us acquire, perceive, create and execute

according to our highest values.

The Brain, Curious Fu & Quantum

Our innate intelligence that helps us to change

and adapt to our environment for maximum survival,

evolution and continuation.

Further topics covered...

  • Evolutionary and Transformational DynHeadlineamics

  • Constitutional Energetics

  • Unfolding of Fate and Destiny

  • Emotions and Channel Relationships

  • Quantum Physics and Quantum Healing

  • The True Meaning of Enlightenment2 Column

  • The Extraordinary Channels on Conception Utero, Birth Process and Birth Trauma

  • Psycho-Emotional Analysis of 8 Extra Channels and Their Associated Points

  • Needling Methods and Point Selection

  • ...AND LIVE Case Studies and Clinical Application 

What practitioners had to say about Sohial's 8X workshop?

From attendees of the Melbourne 8X workshop in October 2019


"Content - mind-blowing. Delivery - Excellent.

Knowledge & experience is powerful

yet humble very easy to relate and integrate"

- Vikki G. (Queensland)


"Really loved the seminar and the energy you brought.

The first day bent my mind (in a good way)....

Can't wait to do more".

- Tracy G. (Adelaide)

About Sohial Farzam

Sohial Farzam is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture). Sohial has been practicing for 19 years. He has also been a past long term lecturer at the Endeavour College of Natural Health (formally known as the Australian College of Natural Medicine) in Melbourne Australia for around 14 years.

Sohial’s main area of work is in psycho-emotional dynamics, mental health and emotional empowerment. He is a widely known practicing acupuncturist in Australia and he currently presents many seminars on mental health and emotional conditions all around Australia, New Zealand and Europe.

He has a special interest in human psychology, human behaviour, neuroscience, quantum physics and philosophy. He integrates all these study angles to fully understand the dynamics of the psyche. He helps people empower their lives so they can liberate from emotional bondage, breakthrough stagnation and clutter as to maximize their heart potential by becoming “masters of their destiny, rather than victims of their history”.

Sohial recently founded the 'International Integrative Mental Health Conference - A Chinese Medicine Based Event (IIMHC)" whereby many of the world's well-known practitioners and speakers took part presenting to an audience of 200+ online talking about Emotional Trauma.

Want to hear more from attendees of this seminar? Here are some testimonials…



Inspired! Great to attend a presentation that isn’t limiting perspectives to what’s inside/outside the box.

Encouragement to look at the piece of art that is TCM and see it as many ways as possible. Great delivery pace and style

Jay - Acupuncturist & Tui Na, Brisbane


Sohial has a deep understanding about the spiritual, mental and emotional, aka Dr. Psyche. I feel inspired to not only learn more but continue my personal development. My sincerest gratitude for your time, energy & expertise and willingness to share. Looking forward to learning more.

Michael Koda - Acupuncturist, Brisbane


Just Fantasic Sohial!

Thank you so much – this combined all my favourite topics – Quantum mechanics, personal development, TCM acupuncture.

Your depth of precious knowledge and ability to translate this into accessible information was excellent – Look forward to doing more of your work!!

Kind Regards,



Sohial is amazing, so giving with his knowledge. Really easy to listen to. I look forward to attending his course.

Safe travels back to AUS!


Brilliant and unique combination of classic TCM teaching and its connection to psycho-emotional roots. A “must know” in everyday clinical practice. Dynamic and well-prepared presentation. 

Thank you. 

Suzanne Black - Acupuncture Student, Melbourne


An extremely well-organised and fascinating 2 days, with a Master Teacher.

To have the opportunity to learn from the deep well at Sohial’s extensive study at this subject has been an absolute privilege.

If you get the opportunity to attend this course, I will heartily recommend it.

Sharon Keenan


My experience over the last two days has been unbelievable. My personal growth was as fastest as Sohial talks. I would not hesitate to recommend this seminar to any practitioner. It bridges the gap from thousands of years of knowledge to todays society.

The addition of Sohial’s psychological prowess completes the journey. Much appreciatethe experience. Keep up the great work.

Grayson Fong - Acupuncturist, Sydney


Good speaker, free flow and precise in wording and theory at TCMKnowledge very deep.I would like to learn more and definitely will add your available courses out.One day learning would have been great.I love the feeling that you “walk the talk”, you’re very authentic for me.



Many concepts that are familiar have been presented in a very clear and understandable way and I gained a deeper knowledge.

The topic is extremely fascinating and confirms that this is the right path for my future work.

I haven’t felt bored one moment during those 2 days, thanks to the deep knowledge of the presenter and his enthusiasm for the subject.   I would love to hear more about the subject and would be interested in an exchange with other practitioners in this field.

Thank you so much for 2 very inspiring days.

Jean Phillippe Riezz


The 8 extra meridians are extremely powerful due to their accessing Q1 at its roots, Jing and Yuen Q1. There is frustratingly little information generally available re: the syndromes associated with their dysfunction or treatment strategies. Sohial Farzam has created a through, detailed and theoretical and practical system which he and his students have proven in clinical practice over many years.

The course is a Godsend to the practicing acupuncturist. A real eye opener.

Bruce Du Ve


Fantastic 2 days, so informative and inspiring. So much information presented in a professional and fun way. We learned so much. Thank you.

Caitriona Mullins


In my daily clinical work as an acupuncturist, I experience bet results by creating emotional moments to transcend trauma. Hereby focusing on the virtue of the corresponding emotion.

This seminar was a big pleasure to understand more about this satisfying week. I feel very thankful (deeper understanding).

Arturo Fasciato


I liked very much how you integrate old Chinese medicine wisdom with “modern problems” we see every day in the clinic. I learned a lot about traditional spiritual meanings of TCM; I like the way you mix cases with theory, it’s a pleasure to listen to you and learn from your experience.

Thank you!

Sandra De Martin


I was so delighted to be able to attend this seminar. I love Sohial’s work and it was a joy to witness his enthusiasm and passion for his subject, in person.

Sohial is an engaging and enthusiastic presenter. He draws from his clinical experience and personal experience to explain and contextualize the concepts he is teaching. Interspersing some of the more challenging concepts helps to maintain interest and creates levity.

The content of the course surprised my expectations and Sohial’s knowledge is exceptional.I’m so looking forward to put my learnings into practice and to the next seminar that Sohial runs!

“Sohial – your enthusiasm + passion is a joy to behold”

Thank you,



I totally enjoyed this 2-day workshop. I am about to become an acupuncture student and found the content of this course extremely inspiring + loved the way Sohial weaved all the aspects of Mind/Body/Spirit together at a very high level and also the neuroscience of how the western model maps similar concepts.

Sohial is a great presenter/teacher with in-depth knowledge of his field with so many other systems to draw on. He has done so much personal development work, his spirit, enthusiasm and passion shines through. I have learnt so much and am looking forward to start my acupuncture training having this foundation and overview.

Catherine Weebly


Great now, Sohial interconnects the east and west. Knowledge of psychology. I appreciate the view of the 8x of Sohial. Thanks! Very inspiring :) I want to know and learn more!

Nancy Ribi


I learned a lot, and the content is really interesting. It would be great for me if we can have one more pause (each time shorter, but more than one).

Thanks a lot.

Linxin Zhang


The material presented was very interesting and deepened my knowledge.   Thank you, and I hope I can attend more of your classes.  

Germa Maane


It’s a pleasure listening to you, very active, joyful and enthusiastic. I really like your style of teaching, you’re quite fast and you don’t repeat the things few times. I like that.

It would have been nice if you would have talked more about self-cultivation, how to transform negative emotions into good stuff. What can the patient do by himself in between treatments. Sometimes it was hard to understand because my English is not that well, but I highly recommend the course to others.

Thank you very much for your time and teachings. I really appreciate it and I wish you all the best on your life journey.

Micro Wider


I highly recommend this seminar to other practitioners. Very good guidance, excellent presentation, clear speech, soul and spirit. Congratulations! Personally, I find this topic the most important part in accompanying client/patients/persons (apart from TCM treatment). I always include it in my daily work and also in my personal life, in order to understand who I am, I need to know how I feel. This includes all Sohial is mentioning in this seminar. Thank you for your clarity, in order to feel clearly.

Rita Streale-Qud


Very impressed by your knowledge! Clear structure and language. Nice that you intergrade quantum physics etc. Thanks for your openness and personal story-sharing.For me, perhaps a bit less discussion of separate points, more combinations you use in your cases.

Thanks a lot! I enjoyed!  



The topic of mental and emotional health is extremely important in this time around. Sohial gives an impressive insight in it. It’s a lot of substance in two days, but t definitely makes you wanting to go deeper into the issue.

His message goes way beyond what one expects. His import and to name it and point it out, even it sounds esoteric – it’s not – it’s like how its functions physiological.

Thank you very much Sohial.

Have a safe trip back home :)



A lot of valuable information on this great subject of psychology + emotions.

Sometimes too fast to get it all written down. Voice recording would be great to be able to listen to it again..

I love the subject!   Needling technique is important.  

I would definitely recommend it to colleagues

Thank you!  



Attending the Transcending Trauma: “The Road to Emotional Empowerment” seminar was an extraordinarily inspiring experience. I evoked a send of nostalgia reminiscent of my time in Sydney, where I encountered similar exceptional practitioners. Sohial Farzam’s depth of knowledge in both CM and Science is truly exceptional. His extensive study, eloquence, and profound understanding, enriched by a plethora of literary works, create an unparalleled learning experience. As a seasoned traditional CM practitioner, his ability to encapsulate existing knowledge into a comprehensive view, elevating it to a new dimension. (Vibration, string theory) within CM, is remarkable, Farzam’s approach transcends the traditional boundaries of Chinese medicine, offering a captivating perspective on Emotional Empowerment. It is and was a true blessing to listen to his insights shedding light, love, shen, and ling on an entirely different facet of his ancient practice.  

Thank you Sohial and keep going.  



I appreciate the rich information and personal experiences you shared with us, although I felt sometime slightly overwhelmed.

As an experienced practitioner in Chinese Medicine in a clinic for mental health I am happy to work in a treatment concept. The deep knowledge I gained in these 2 days is a treasure for me and my patients.

As a Qi Jong practitioner I would have appreciated to free sometime the Qi for the head and have some small breaks in movement.

I would recommend this seminar to experienced practitioner.

Thank you!

Plusi Judith


The seminar was interesting with lots of information. I have lots of patients with mental health issues and this course give more tools to better be handle my patients.

I had very difficult case with mental health issues because I share my practice with others psychologist and psychiatric doctors and get most of their difficult patients. After this seminar, I will have more information on how to treat them.

Thank you for the great seminar and I would recommend this seminar to other practitioners.

Sandrine Ngo


Yes, I would definitely recommend this seminar to other practitioners.   It is a lot of content for 2 days like the richness I particularly loved all the case studies and great examples of your practice.

Your personal development is very inspiring as well as your background and history!

Kasir Bigle


Overall, good course, good structure and presentation. I also work with the root. I liked at most the explanation of the tongue, new for me in this way.

The explanations about the diseases – very interesting. Thank you for giving me another perspective on the diseases.

The topic is deep but sometimes too general I missed, the organs in the elements anger will be lived different from liver or gall person. Repression of anger. What happen when we are always in anger?

I missed the difference between feelings and emotions, that would be important to know like anger turns to enthusiasm/optimism and so on!   Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Francesca Bachmann

100% Money-Back Guaranteed. At the end of the seminar, If you don't think it was worth your time,

let me know and I will give you a full refund.

Frequently Asked Questions...

Is this seminar just for practitioners or can students attend?

This seminar is definitely suited for both practitioners and students. In fact, many previous practitioners who have attended my workshops were pleasantly surprised that the content surpassed their expectations even as seasoned practitioners. The 8X channels are not heavily covered during college so this seminar puts an end to that.  

Is the seminar just for Acupuncturists?

The content is grounded on the foundations of Chinese Medicine knowledge and philosophy. However, other disciplines are also discussed such as Quantum physics, Neuroscience, Physiological Implications as well as Psychological and behavioural associations. Therefore, I have always had a variety of health professionals attend my workshops including other allied health practitioners in particular Reiki healers, Kinesiologists, remedial therapists, counsellors, psychologists and energy healers.  

How much is this seminar? 

The Full Price Ticket is $650 NZD

How do I obtain my CPD Certificate?

After completion of the event, all attendees will receive a certificate of completion for 14 CPD points approved by AcNZ for 14 hours of education

Is this a face to face live seminar and if so where is this seminar?


Is there a refund or cancellation policy?

You may request a full refund to cancel your ticket by writing up to 4 weeks before the scheduled event date. If requested within 2 weeks of the schedule event, you are eligible for 50% refund. There are no refunds or credits within the period of less than two weeks from the scheduled event date, on the scheduled date or after the scheduled date. All refunds will attract $35NZD merchant fee. There are no refunds or credit notes should you miss the live event once it has transpired.

I have more questions, who can I contact?

You can direct any questions to info@needlepro.com.au

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